
My Philosophy..A Journey of evolution

A teacher is a person who creates an environment that is conducive to learning — a place where students can immerse themselves in a subject or discipline as they assimilate a body of requisite information, concepts, and/or skills. Learning is not a passive process, it requires motivation, effort, and persistence. Good students enter the learning environment with a commitment to scholarship, a willingness to work, and a sense of personal responsibility toward achieving their educational goals. Good teachers provide an environment that is challenging yet supportive.My teaching philosophy has both traditional and radical roots, and rests, finally, on making myself not so much an expert in my field, but a partner in learning.
Students in order to immerse themselves into Higher Education, let go of what was there past identity. As they evolve in their learning Journey so does their self esteem, confidence, knowledge.
On the other hand it is such a big step and cannot be underestimated..

Educators, myself included must become aware of our own personal standards of service to ourself and our student. It's time to ensure we enter our classrooms using both eyes and both ears, actioning complete inclusiveness, aware of our new diverse landscape of students we must be aware and provide that extra supportive gesture or assistance to help the one or two students who 's coping mechanisms (support structures in life, ability to make this transition) are not as smooth and able as the others. We are in a Higher Education landscape unlike ever before with emerging countries, international students, fees debate, mature students, innovation based courses, changing of policies are all occurring changing the face of our education environment as we know it. We as educators and management need to be aware of our Pedagogical and ethical responsibilities to our students. For example when developing assessment strategies, the expectations and the overlaps of other modules may not be reflective of a balanced learning environment, avoiding critical levels of stress, long hours into the night, the complete topple of life balance - we must be contemplative and mindful of our responsibilities to our community of learners.

In saying all that, and on reflection, the greatest gift I can give to my students is to ensure my teaching style is highly interactive, engaging students in a dialogue, and often putting students into dialogue with each other. I want my students to enjoy the interaction in my classroom and to be challenged by the intellectual discussion of course material.
I expect students to take individual responsibility for their education by coming prepared to participate in class. To encourage student participation, I use active learning techniques to draw individuals into class discussions.To improve teaching I must focus on the learning needs of the future that will be shaped by today’s students….. Learning is not something that can be defined as a procedure; learning is something that occurs in a rather unstructured and ad-hoc way. However learning can be built into structures and processes. It is impossible for me to be all things to all students. It is healthy for my students to see that I don't have all the answers and that I must deal with contradictions about teaching and life just as they will. To embrace these contradictions and gaps in knowledge creates the opportunity for new understandings and ways of looking at the world. "As we make new connections between known concepts, add new strategies, link those new concepts to old concepts, then we begin to learn and our body of knowledge grows. Thus, knowledge is a web of concepts with a whole lot of knowledge between them". (Jambekar, 2000).