understanding and integrated knowledge of the theories, concepts and methods
pertaining to Marketing and Sales within the Aviation or Tourism Industry.
Lecture-Practical demonstrations-Group work-Work
Introduction to Sales & Marketing – Definitions.
What’s your understanding?
Traditionally, marketing and sales has revolved around
the "four variables." These are the product, the price, promotion
and active distribution.
Sales theory is about the relationship between the
sales force and the product itself. Theorist: Marketing professor Thomas
Ingram of Colorado State University stresses the integration of marketing and
Sales is
largely the process of turning demand turn into profit, or alternatively,
turning purchasing power into demand. Part of this is price. If there is a
closely competitive market in products that are very similar --- Nissan v.
Toyota, for example --- then price becomes the only real distinction. Both
Nissan and Toyota have excellent mileage and reliability, and hence, the only
real way to promote the product in a competitive market is to stress the
concept of price.
Making Sales Training
Meaningful: Maslow (1954) creativity-motivation
Problem solving-creativity : Rickards
‘Being creative is seeing the same thing as everyone else but thinking
of something different’(http://www.ozemail.com.au/~caveman/basics/definitions.htm).
Class Q:
said:‘True creativity often starts where language ends.’ How would you
interpret this statement in the context of business?
Keeping prices competitive
Holmes operates a clothes wholesale distribution business. Competition is
strong, and pricing
keen. Rising costs of distribution, however, are a constant problem, and all
rival distributors
strongly on price. John is looking for ways of keeping prices competitive.
can John try to minimise price rises in the face of strong competition and at
the same time
maintain profitability?
Recognise the
relationship between the modern business and customer environment, as well
the technologies and how they apply to the Marketing & Sales Function.
Lecture-Roleplay demonstrations-Group work
Note: It's
not just about selling products and making money, but about building
relationships based on trust, loyalty and mutual benefit. Therefore, the
connection between sales theory and practice is about building a real
community that exists for mutual gain and utility.
Training is provided
to bring the salesperson as quickly as possible to optimal productivity and
maintain that level. Due to the costs associated with training, optimal
productivity is not
the same as maximum productivity.Continued maintenance training is required
by providing product-market information or new selling skills in a dynamic
Pre reading articles to discuss in class
Split into Groups:
what ways might airlines use technology to market services to customers? Can
you think of any which
are not currently offered?
Gain a clear
understanding of best practice based on a comprehensive knowledge of the
theory in Sales & Marketing practice within the Aviation & Tourism
Lecture-Practical demonstrations-Group
work-Work placement
a company is progressing all the time, it is in fact moving backwards. It is
quite impossible to maintain the status
quo’ (Rogers, 1996).
Who could have
envisaged fifty years ago the retail development complexity of travel agents
or the shopping complexes at airports such as London Heathrow, London
Gatwick, Manchester International, Amsterdam, Kuala Lumpur, Munich, Madrid
and Barcelona – to mention just a few. Indeed, some of the major airport
complexes have developed almost into miniature shopping centres in their own
Airlines- Logos – Their
Wing/Body Branding
The airline
business is immensely competitive, and all companies have to strive to find
ways of identifying means of establishing a competitive advantage for
themselves. This is often sought by trying to improve the quality of service
offered in relationship to the price charged or through the nature of the
augmented services offered.
Service quality
includes such things as:
Tangibles. Do the physical
facilities, equipment and appearance of personnel associated with the service
promote confidence in the quality of the service?
Reliability. Is there evidence of
an ability to perform the promised service properly the first time?
Responsiveness. Is there a
willingness to help customers and provide prompt service?
Competence. Do the personnel
possess knowledge and skill, and have they an ability to convey trust and
Credibility/trustworthiness. Is
the organisation trustworthy and does it always deliver what it promises to
Empathy. Does the provider of the
service provide its customers with individual attention?
Courtesy. Do customers perceive
the service provided to be a friendly one?
Communication. Are customers kept
informed about the service offered in the language they can understand? Do
the providers of the service listen to what the customers have to say?
Discuss Case Study:
Sir Colin Marshall in the
1980s with a particular directive to focus on the customer. An effective
internal marketing programme was based on the notion that employees would not
treat customers better until they themselves were treated better. Marshall
established profit sharing and a two-day seminar at which attendance was
compulsory for all employees.
was felt that the programme contributed significantly to raising staff morale
and to
better customer relations.
Assess the impact
of emerging technologies such as internet and e-marketing on global travel
retail marketing while understanding the documenting the demands that
increasing aviation business complexity will place on the organisation
demonstrations-Group work
Look at
Look at:
E-Business Environment case studies:
1. Emirates
2. Trivago
3. Skyscanner
4. E-dreams
5. Expedia
- Home
- Introduction
- Pedagogical Practice(2): Building your LinkedIN profile module
- Psychology in Education
- Inclusiveness in Training & Education
- Technology Enabled Learning
- Research Methodology - My Research proposes to examine specific challenges affecting First Generation Students (FGS)
- Professional Practice and Management : Lesson plan app 1
PPM Appendix 1: Lesson Plan with extra notes
PPM: Lesson Plan- Assignment layout
Lecture time only noted.
Learning Outcome: The Learner will.....
Trainer Activities
4 hours
understanding and integrated knowledge of the theories, concepts and methods
pertaining to Marketing and Sales within the Aviation or Tourism Industry.
Practical demonstrations
Group work
Work placment
See Below
4 hours
Recognise the relationship between the
modern business and customer environment, as well the technologies and how
they apply to the Marketing & Sales Function.
Roleplay demonstrations
Group work
Pre reading articles to discuss in class
See Below
3 hours
Gain a clear understanding of best practice
based on a comprehensive knowledge of the theory in Sales & Marketing
practice within the Aviation & Tourism Industry.
Practical demonstrations
Group work
Work placement
See Below
4 hours
the impact of emerging technologies such as internet and e-marketing on
global travel retail marketing while understanding the documenting the
demands that increasing aviation business complexity will place on the
Practical demonstrations
Group work
Assignment attached to modular descriptor .
Nordic Business Forum: Community in Practice using multiple forms of TEL Tools to Teach
Click To See : Nordic Business Forum 2012 Brian Tracy
The Forum during the annual training summit uses as Technology Enabled Tools for Teaching/facilitating :
The Forum during the annual training summit uses as Technology Enabled Tools for Teaching/facilitating :
- Blog
- You Tube
- Website
- Interviews
- Workshop
Module Objectives : Sales & Marketing in Aviation and Tourism
Module Objectives
This module focuses on the Sales & Marketing in Aviation & Tourism. It embraces a diverse range
of objectives. These objectives provide participants with the practical and theoretical skills to further
their employment prospects in successful marketing
and sales management roles for the Aviation &

Tourism Industry by influencing the sales of products and services for organisations both in Ireland &
Abroad. This module firstly explores sales & marketing, then identifies the tactical sales and marketing
mix and looks at implementation of successful sales & marketing practice and case study. It equips the
learners with sales & marketing strategies and tactics that will assist them in their future careers.
• It provides learners with practical skills through the use of case studies and online exercises that
will assist them in future development of their Sales & Marketing plans.
• To give learners a clear understanding of the differences between sales & marketing functions
and current business practice within the Aviation and Tourism Industry.
• Develop a sound theoretical competency, knowledge and understanding of sales & marketing in
the Aviation & Tourism sector.
• To provide learners with sales & marketing management strategies and tactics that is essential
for functioning in business today.
• To enable learners to acquire the skills and knowledge of sales & marketing practices that
will assist them in developing a key understanding of the critical concepts of business and
marketing best practice within the sector while creating a sales & marketing plan for a chosen
• To ensure learners have a clear understanding of how technology and the various methods of
marketing can assist in sales & marketing campaigns.
PPM: Presentation Proposal : Sales & Marketing Module for Aviation sector company
Click to see
Click to see
I need to find a balance: Become adicted to constant and never ending self improvement (Anthony D'Angelo)
Notes to Emma :
Better Time Management
Learn to Prioritise in Academic workload in the same strong manner I do in my workplace
Ask for help!
Literature Review : 2008-2011 carried out by ‘The Here project’.[10] The HERE Project, 2008-2011. What Works Student Retention & Success.
Literature Review : 2008-2011 carried out by ‘The Here project’.[10]
The HERE Project, 2008-2011. What Works Student Retention & Success.
By Nottingham Trent University, Bournemouth University, University of Bradford
The HERE Project (Higher Education: Retention & Engagement) was part of the HEFCE/ Paul Hamlyn Foundation ‘Student Retention & Success Programme’ (2008-2011). Three institutions delivered the project jointly: Nottingham Trent University, Bournemouth University and the University of Bradford. I have focused on this as they used a variety of mixed methods for their research and to identify themes; they collected quantitative data, and then progressed to mixed methods to ask open ended questions to the students, they then used qualitative data to identify emerging trends and for bridging the information. The research of the project was carried out on first year students and investigated two themes associated with Withdrawal (the impact of doubting on retention) and Student Retention and Success.
Altogether 3,000 first year students and staff over the three universities were interviewed over six large scale transition surveys, 3 focus groups and seventeen interviews. The HERE project team then used the survey research to identify key factors linked to retention, withdrawal and engagement. The project teams were them able to use their findings from the surveys and interviews to develop a toolkit of nine sets of recommendations to be used at Programme level to improve retention.
The Project team reviewed relevant literature in the area from UK, USA and Australia.
A pilot study was conducted in NTU with first year students via an online survey asking students had they thought about withdrawing from their courses of study. (If they had there were follow up questions)
The student transition survey was carried out in all three institutions from March – May were all students were presented with 17 statements of Student Experience Factors and asked to rate each factor. Students were also asked at this point had they had any prior thoughts on withdrawing and if so why, or what factors made them stay.
There were then two stages of analysis on the 2009 data: Quantitative analysis so they could format statistical test and Qualitative analysis where answers to the open questions where coded into themes. By doing it allows the HERE team to code the answers and analyse responses.
Themes from the online surveys were investigated further when the HERE team carried out focus groups and interviews. The students were given vouchers as a way to incentivize them to get involved in the follow up focus group from the online survey.
13 students were interviewed in Bedford on one to one basis by the HERE project team.
A small qualitative study was carried out by the Bournemouth team in 2009-2010.
A transitional survey was carried out online again in 2011 from all institutions. It was a shorter survey and asked about some of the themes that had come up in the first two years.
Bournemouth used a mix of qualitative methods when carrying out their research methods, using survey findings to write up case studies as a method of documenting analysis. They used the results to highlight themes and this helped devise the methodology for the programmes research.
The case studies used to finally present the report also showed document analysis and summary. [11]
The HERE project used a multitude of research methods in carrying out their research in order to ensure the most accurate statistics and data(quantitative), as well as ensuring interviews and online surveys provided for observational data, allowing themes and patterns to be investigated further (Qualitative). With Ethnographic interviewing and taking a mixed methods approach, including follow up short online surveys with specific open and closed ended questions, the HERE team used Mixed Method Strategies to successfully execute their research project.
I am critical of the time allocated to the research which spanned over a 3 year time period from 2008-2011. This long term timeline would prove unrealistic and quite difficult to execute unless there was a commitment of the same team, and institutions for the period of time which was the case for the HERE project, however this timeline has proven unrealistic in terms of my research project where resources are restricted and the risk factor of their course time completing prior to the final activities within the FGS group.
What is Zotero - TEL Tool for citation and resources
Zotero (pronounced "zoh-TAIR-oh") is a free tool that collects, manages, and cites research sources.
As with most software, there is a learning curve for reference managers. For small projects, like writing a single paper, you probably can do without one. However, even early on in your career it’s worth it to invest some time exploring their use. Knowing how to use reference managers is an important skill for any researcher. Most reference managers can save you time - quickly save source metadata to your reference manager. - if you cite the same sources multiple times, you only have to check the metadata once. - easily create citations and bibliographies from the sources in your reference manager library. - switch citation styles in your manuscripts with a few clicks. Reduce the amount of errors in your work - take advantage of automatic cite numbering and disambiguation. Keep you organized - easily keep track of hundreds or even thousands of sources - have your reference manager synchronise among your devices - with your source metadata stored in a single location, backing up is easy. Make it easy to collaborate with others - share the metadata of your sources.
Zotero is easy to use and lives in your web browser where you do your work. Most commonly, Zotero is downloaded as a Firefox extension.
Zotero can also be used with the Chrome and Safari browsers or used as a standalone tool. Zotero is, at the most basic level, a citation manager. It is designed to store, manage, and cite bibliographic references, such as books and articles. In Zotero, each of these references constitutes an item.
Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into easily searchable collections for different projects, and create bibliographies using Word(for Mac or Windows) or OpenOffice using any of over 2800 citation styles.
References can be added to a Zotero library in many different ways: directly from databases, journal websites, Google Scholar or the library catalog, by reference file import (for example from an EndNote library), by dragging in PDFs from your hard drive, and by entering them manually.
I prefer to use Bibtex and found it much cleaner to use in a separate course I attended previously. My happy medium would be learning how to export Zotero into Bibtex to use both. There must be a way though thats for my next challenge.
Zotero can insert citations and bibliographies into any text field or program. Simply drag-and-drop items, use Quick Copy to send citations to the clipboard, or export them directly to a file.
Video Tour that helped me alot :
and saved me from feeling like this.......
I found Zotero not to be the best, however it helps keep me from going insane during the referencing stages of academic assignments:
Compared to other citation sites:
Zotero vs. EndNote and Mendeley
EndNote Web
$105, Student discount through book store
Free to OSU users
Web based?
Yes, but not primarily
Storage capacity
Unlimited local storage and data syncing; 500MB free Zotero file syncing, if you register with an OSU email address(larger syncing plans available for purchase); or can use WebDav
Unlimited local storage and data syncing; 1GB personal and 100MB shared online space (larger online storage plans available for purchase)
Unlimited local storage
Limited to 10,000 citations
Create group or shared libraries
Yes, free for up to 3 group members (larger group plans available for purchase)
Yes, with EndNote Web account, but can’t share PDFs with the group
Yes, but can’t share PDFs with the group
Number of Citation Styles
~6400 styles
~6400 styles (uses Zotero’s word processing connections)
Zotero has the following important advantages: ( the following points have been taken directly from : http://zotero-manual.github.io/zotero-manual/introduction)
- free. It’s hard to resist free. Zotero only charges for online file storage. You can sync an unlimited amount of source metadata, and you get 300 MB of free online file storage space (e.g. for PDFs).
- non-profit. Zotero originates at George Mason University, and is mainly financed by academic grants and file storage subscriptions fees. It has a small but sustainable development team, and is governed by the non-profit Corporation for Digital Scholarship. In contrast, many other reference managers are owned by large corporations (such as commercial scientific publishers) whose interests don’t always align with those of the scholarly community.
- open source. Zotero is fully open source, and benefits from all its advantages: if the current developers ever stop working on Zotero, third parties can relatively easily step in. The project attracts power users and developers that contribute bug fixes and new features. You can be sure that Zotero will always be free, and that you will always be able to access your data.
- popular. Zotero is one of the most popular reference managers, and there is a large and vibrant user community.
- active forums. Zotero has busy online forums with first-class support. With developers and power users scattered over the globe, questions are often answered in hours, if not minutes.
- best-in-class citation style support. Zotero was the first product to adopt the Citation Style Language (CSL), which now has become the standard for most newer reference manager software. Most CSL-developers are Zotero users, and the CSL support of Zotero is by far the most thoroughly tested.
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